I want to start with a few funny things that my kids said recently. I've been journaling a few comments here and there but I need an organized list. So when I get the blog all tricked-out, it will have a 'funny/random comments' section.
Until then. . .
Bryce: "Mom, you like nasty things?" (I'm laughing as I type that one! I don't know where that came from!!), Blake: "Bryce, let's go outside and kill some weeds." Bryce: "I don't have time to kill weeds, I have to poop!"
Blaine: "I want to go to a 'fweck'(?????) store." Me: "Blaine, what do they have at a fweck store?" Blaine: "Fweck." Still have no idea what he's talking about! He loves to sing little songs and his favorite one is "So what!" by P!ink.
We were all super excited to have Blake home. I will post some pictures from his world travels as soon as we get them developed. Yes, I said developed. He forgot a camera and had to buy a disposable. I think it's been 10 years since we've bought one of those. He also has shared some funnies stories that I will post as well. I'm so glad that it was a long weekend and the weather cooperated so we could spend a lot of time at the pool.
The day before Blake came home I took the boys to our favorite museum. Every time we've been to the museum we've discovered something new. About 75% of it is outside. Inside has some classic museum exhibits-space, geology, weather, etc. But there is also a large collection of wildlife including wolves, bears, and lemurs and there's a butterfly house (which is actually sort-of creepy because it's swarming with butterflies!). Outside there is a farm, dinosaurs, and much more. The boys' favorite parts are the train ride and the playground. It's not your everyday playground as you'll see in the pictures. My only complaint is it takes about 30 minutes to get there and we always leave tired so the ride home can seem too long. But overall it's well worth the drive!
Oh Daisy Dukes. . . yesterday we noticed that Daisy's paw was a little swollen and by the afternoon it had doubled in size! Poor girl! We didn't want to wait to take her to the vet because today is a holiday so we had to use the emergency 24 hour clinic. They were nice enough to tell me over the phone that it would be $110 just to walk through the door! Luckily it is only an infection due to a puncture and she will take antibiotics for the next ten days. This is also the kitten who had worms and had to be spoon fed special kitten food. She's our little money pit! I know I'm just giving you non-pet owners 1 more reason to steer clear of pets! But you've gotta admit, she's pretty darn cute!