Wrightsville Beach, NC
Since our summer vacations this year were our trip to Indiana (so fun!) and our up coming trip to Boise (17 days-I can hardly wait!!!!!) we didn't make any plans to visit the beach. And recently, I've been going through some beach-withdrawals. I was thinking about making a day trip out of it. Well as luck would have it, my neighbors were feeling the same way and planned a day trip for today and they were nice enough to let us tag along! It was a blast!! The boys were much braver in the water this year-which is good and bad. I wanted them to stay w/in 3 feet of me and they wanted to run like crazy in the waves! And the water was amazing! It was so warm!! We had a few melt-downs since no one had a nap today (I'm including myself in the melt-downs due to lack of naps) but overall a really great day. We can't wait to go back!! I love NC!!
I LOVE the beach! It sounds like you guys had a great time. It's nice to be so close, so that you can keep going back.