Sadly, our trip to Boise finally came to an end. Blake's sister and her family came up from San Antonio and added even more fun to the mix! The boys LOVED having all the kids around. And while I'm even more certain now that 2 kids enough for me, I miss having all those sweet faces around! For days the boys asked when we were going back or when Aubrey and Carson would be coming to visit! Breaks my heart that we're not closer but I'm so glad that they haven't gotten to know one another.

Roaring Springs Water Park

Cousin cuties!!

Now I'd like to give a 'shout-out' to some of the best mothers I know. Of course my own, but Patti, Steph and Kacee-this is for you! I can't thank you enough for the positive changes you helped me make this summer. Spending time with you has helped me be more patient and relaxed with the boys. But has also helped me hold my ground and follow-through with them!! Ever since we've been back, I've been excited to cook for my family and thanks to you-the boys are eating! Everything! So not everything, everything, but they are trying whatever is put on their plate and each day there are fewer tears and fights. And they do their chores w/o any whining or complaining, in fact, I think they like having their own jobs around the house. It's amazing what a little time away(ok, so maybe a month is more than a little) can do to get you excited about your life. I love you all!
The next good thing that's come to it's end? My 20's!! I had a really nice month (did you know I get a month, not just a day). My dad came out to visit and took me on a shopping spree! Always a good time-shopping with my dad! But dad, you owe me a pedi and a talk, I'm gonna hold you to that! Our sweet kitten Nacho tore a hole in our carpet while we were away so instead of replacing just the one room, we recarpeted the entire house! It looks amazing!! The carpet throughout the house was white and in need of being replaced some time in the near future, but yes, I took advantage of the situation. Blake and the boys had plenty of surprises for me on my actual birthday, my favorite being the yellow cake! Can you guess who picked it? And I will take this opportunity to explain the wording on the cake as it is one of my favorite expressions from Doodlebug. While at the museum building race cars, Blaine told me that his was the 'fastest in the town-hall!' What he meant to say was in the 'whole town!' We think it's so cute so we say it all the time. I can only image what the bakers at Target must have been thinking when they were icing up my cake! Love it!! Blake got me an ipad which I'm (slowly) learning is useful for things other than checking my email and facebook! I'm still using a flip-phone so the whole data-plan stuff is very exciting for me.

And finally, our days as the owners of an un-used pool table have come to an end. Although it won't actually be picked up until Thursday, I have already been paid, in cash, for it. Now we can have the kind of bonus room I've been dreaming about. Poor Blake is trading in yet another toy for the good of our house (coincidentally, he sold his motorcycle right around the time our last house needed a roof). J/K, he's a good sport and some day when our kids are older we'll have a pool table again. And in case you're wondering, there's no negotiating his convertible!!
We are really forward to what's about to begin: a very exciting fall! I LOVE fall-my favorite time of year. The boys are starting preschool next week, we have some fun vacations planned, and we can't wait for it to just cool down so we can get outside!
Ok, you made me cry twice today!! Love that poem.....I may have to steal it for my classroom. And you are so sweet....we LOVED being around you guys too. It's been so fun and sad posting all the summer pics bc I know how long it will be before it happens again!! Carson just got some new Cars pjs and the first thing he said is, "just like Bryce and Blaine!"